A bit about me.
Fav links to go
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As you can tell halo is my fav.  So it goes at the top page and has its theme song on as well.

Dont mess with master chief, he will kick your ass.

Well i have been playing halo ever sence it has come out and i cant wait tell the 2nd one comes out in Nov.  All my friends and my brother hate playing aginst me.  I have takin on 3 at one time and still win. 

Mess with the best die like the rest.  Dont think so think again.


The pic below is the zerg off from starcraft.  They are my fav ones to use out of the 3.  Ill take you out with the biggest swarm you have ever seen.  So dont mess with the zerg.


And if you are wondering what this thing is below, its diablo.  The pc game called diablo.  Hes one of the bosses you have to fight.  This is deff and rpg.  Or for the ones that dont know what that is its a role playing game.


Click on the coke banner and it will take you to the home page of the game called cokemusic.  All you do is make music and buy stuff for your studio. Then have a party once you have the place set up.
